Rollator, Pink, Breast Cancer Awareness

Product Description
Breast Cancer Awareness Rollator: Comfortable padded seat - 12" wide x 12" deep with loop brakes - pull to stop, push to lock. Height adjustable handles adjust from 31.5" high to 37.5" high. The attached basket beneath the seat provides security yet is easily removable to carry with you. Weighing only 15 pounds it's lightweight aluminum makes transporting easy. 300 lbs weight capacity.Model: MDS86825BC
Rollator, Pink, Breast Cancer Awareness Review
Over the past 10 yrs. I've had lots of differant walkers. This has the most comfortable seat, most padded back rest the largest basket and gets the most positive attention. I don't get ?'s like, "what happened?" "why are you using a walker?" I get, WOW what a walker! Many people have taken info from me about it for someone they know that needs one. Be aware, it is a larger, heavier walker. I'm 5'7" and I keep it in the car for outside the home. The distance between the hand grips is too wide for a small lady and I would think the hand grips too large for small hands. I keep a small light weight walker in the house for getting around corners. Of course, the highth can be adjusted but the width can't. Heavier walkers with a little wider tire like this one are what's needed for outdoor use. Many people have "tried my walker on" it's good for most just not small more frail ladies. If it's not too much of a walker for you, you'll love it. You gotta like BRIGHT PINK and lots of positive attention! I'm on this site today to order another. I lost my basket a couple of yrs. ago and can't find a replacement so I'm getting another pink walker. All baskets fit differant walkers so keep up with it.Blessing, Faith
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