Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Plantfusion, Unflavored, 2 # ( Multi-Pack)

Plantfusion, Unflavored, 2 # ( Multi-Pack)

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Plantfusion, Unflavored, 2 # ( Multi-Pack) On Sale

Price: $104.07 $100.00   Updated Price for Plantfusion, Unflavored, 2 # ( Multi-Pack) now
Purchase Plantfusion, Unflavored, 2 # ( Multi-Pack) low price

Product Feature

  • PlantFusionTM combines the latest advancements in protein technology to provide an allergen free, easy to digest protein.

Product Description

PlantFusion combines the latest advancements in protein technology to provide an allergen free, easy to digest, multi-sourced plant based protein. Its proprietary blend is formulated to provide a complete protein with an optimized amino acid profile that's infused with Branched Chain Amino Acids & L- Glutamine to support optimum health and nutrition. In addition, PlantFusion contains a proprietary enzyme blend which supports easy digestion and absorption.

Plantfusion, Unflavored, 2 # ( Multi-Pack) Review

When I decided to start using a plant-based protein powder, I tried this first because it is a "complete" multi-source protein powder containing not only more but also higher-quality protein than I could get from an individual plant source such as hemp or pea protein. This protein powder is non-GMO and contains no animal, dairy, soy, or gluten ingredients. I mix my protein shakes in a blender with water, blueberries, and sometimes flaxseed and coconut oil, and although the Plant Fusion dissolves completely in the liquid, it is a very light powder and a little usually sticks to the side of the blender, as well as to the lid. Basically the slower you start the blender, the less will end up on the lid and the more will end up stuck to the sides. To minimize this, I add the Plant Fusion last, after blending the blueberries, water, etc. I restart the blender on low and then speed it up rapidly before stopping and starting it one more time at high speed.

The container suggests using 8 oz. of water per scoop, but I use closer to 12 oz. The powder has a nutty "plant" flavor that tends to overpower any fruit that is added, but I don't mind this, as I don't drink protein shakes for the taste. As long as they don't taste offensive then that's good enough for me and the unflavored Plant Fusion meets that standard. For some reason though the "unflavored" actually contains 3g of sugar per scoop in the form of fructose, which, while not an enormous amount, is unnecessary and not something I want or need in my protein powder. So I would prefer that they leave the added fructose out. My only other complaints are the cost, which is higher than most other protein powders, and the tub size (2 lbs is the largest size, which makes scooping the powder more difficult when you get near the bottom of the tub, especially since the powder tends to stick to your hands; a 4 lb tub would be better). But overall I'm happy with Plant Fusion and have no plans to switch to another protein powder at this time.

***** Edit, 9/4/2011 *****
My latest batch of unflavored Plant Fusion arrived the other day, with a sticker on the jar advertising "New Improved Flavor! - Now With Organic Sprouted Ingredients!". A look at the label revealed that the new ingredients are sprouted amaranth powder and sprouted quinoa powder. "Brown rice protein concentrate" is no longer a part of the blend (pea protein isolate and artichoke protein remain), which is somewhat ironic, as the new powder has more of a toasty, "Rice-Krispies" flavor, compared to the "nuttier" flavor of the old version. Is the new flavor "improved"? Maybe, it tasted fine to me, but then, I didn't have a problem with the old flavor either, so I guess everyone will have to judge for themselves. As I said before, I don't drink protein shakes for the taste, I get the unflavored because I'm more concerned with the nutritional content and don't want sugar or artificial flavorings added.

Fortunately it looks like the company also made some other improvements while they were tinkering with the flavor. The new jar is a little wider, which makes it easier to scoop the powder as you get near the bottom. The new blend still has added fructose, but according to the label it now has 2g of fructose per serving instead of 3, which I consider an improvement. Finally, it seems to me that the powder is slightly more dense now. It still sticks to the side of the blender, but I would say it may be a little less prone to flying up and sticking to the lid than before. Oh, and the directions now suggest adding 1 scoop to 10-12 oz. of water instead of 8.

Regarding the amino acid profile, of the 18 amino acids listed, 15 have greater amounts in the new blend (there is less Cystine, Histidine, and Methionine in the new formula). I'm not an expert on amino-acids, but judging from this, the new amino acid profile, while fairly similar to the old one, probably represents an improvement as well. So all in all I have to thank the folks at NutraFusion Nutritionals, it appears that they listened to some of the criticisms that consumers had and made their product better - kudos to them!

***** Edit, 4/10/2012 *****
One thing I hadn't noticed before is that this product is high in sodium - 1 scoop contains 390 mg. I recently switched to another brand of plant protein because of this.

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