Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Oregon Scientific BWR102 Bath Scale w/ Wireless Display

Oregon Scientific BWR102 Bath Scale w/ Wireless Display

Shock Sale Oregon Scientific BWR102 Bath Scale w/ Wireless Display very cheapYou looking to find the "Oregon Scientific BWR102 Bath Scale w/ Wireless Display" Good news! You can purchase Oregon Scientific BWR102 Bath Scale w/ Wireless Display with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Oregon Scientific BWR102 Bath Scale w/ Wireless Display On Sale

Price: $129.99   Updated Price for Oregon Scientific BWR102 Bath Scale w/ Wireless Display now
Purchase Oregon Scientific BWR102 Bath Scale w/ Wireless Display low price

Product Feature

  • Digital bath scale measures BMI (Body Mass Index).
  • This bath scale comes with wireless remote monitor.
  • Beep indication to users.
  • Weight capacity up to 330 lbs and actual size: 11.25x1.75x12.25.
  • Bath scale uses 4-AA batteries.

Product Description

Digital bath scale measures BMI and comes with wireless remote monitor. This body weight scale features 7 memory functions with date and time and a large LCD display. This bath scales memory stores upto 4 individual user IDs and features auto power off in 5 seconds.

Oregon Scientific BWR102 Bath Scale w/ Wireless Display Review

****Lots of plus points, one negative. I'll start with the positives.First, impressive packaging. Someone put a lot of thought into a really neatly designed pack that was easy to open and protected the scale and its equipment extremely well. UPS handled the shipment well, but even if they hadn't I think the scale would have come through ok.Next, the scale and the remote display have a quality 'feel' about them. They have a painted satin stainless steel finish which appears to be quite durable and is warm to the touch. If it was real stainless steel I doubt it would be pleasant to step onto on a cold morning!There are four individual memory settings, and one guest setting with no memory. The scale just has an LCD readout for your weight, but the wireless remote unit also displays the time, date, weight and Body Mass Index (BMI is an indication of the amount of fat you're carrying!). These figures can be recalled at the touch of a button so you see how well (or badly) you're progressing over time. The scale switches off when not in use and the remote display shows the time and date when on standby. The remote display requires two screws to hang it on a vertical surface, or it has legs which can support it on a counter top.To weigh yourself you step on the scale, stand still, and wait for a couple of seconds so it can register your weight and beep. You then press a button on the remote display to see the weight come up, and then press a button to select your memory slot (1, 2, 3 or 4). Next, press and hold the "MEM' button for a couple of seconds, which enters that reading into memory and alternately displays your weight and BMI. This all takes longer to explain than to perform.The readings appear to be repeatable to within a couple of decimal points or so. They claim to 0.02lb which seems to stand up.Now for the negative.............. the instructions (or lack thereof). As well as being written out of order (how to change the date is on page one, but how to actually install the batteries and perform an essential synchronization is a secret until page five), the procedure for entering your height, which is essential for measuring your BMI, is entirely missing!!!I used the free customer service number (fifteen minute wait) to find out what to do. They knew exactly what I wanted, hooray, but couldn't explain why it was missing from the instructions, boo! Anyhow, to save you a phone call, the procedure to set your height is to first press the top left button, then select the user number. Then, press and hold the 'SET' button until the display flashes, when you set your height with the arrow buttons. Finally, press 'SET' again. Repeat the process for other users. Phew!Finally, Amazon had the best price and, as usual, delivered several days before anticipated (got to love that!). The abysmal instructions cost Oregon Scientific one star. Help other customers find the most helpful reviews Was this review helpful to you?�Yes No Report abuse | PermalinkComment�Comment

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