Thursday, September 13, 2012

Perkins SMART Brailler with Video Screen

Perkins SMART Brailler with Video Screen

Shock Sale Perkins SMART Brailler with Video Screen very cheapYou looking to find the "Perkins SMART Brailler with Video Screen" Good news! You can purchase Perkins SMART Brailler with Video Screen with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Perkins SMART Brailler with Video Screen On Sale

Price: $1,995.00    Updated Price for Perkins SMART Brailler with Video Screen now
Purchase Perkins SMART Brailler with Video Screen low price

Product Feature

  • Video screen displays SimBraille and large print
  • Audio feedback speaks letters words as they are typed
  • Edit save and transfer electronic documents via USB
  • Also operates as a mechanical brailler
  • Rechargeable and removable battery

Product Description

Using traditional typewritten braille in teaching, education and communication can be limiting, as it cannot be quickly or easily translated into written or spoken language. Now everyone can join the learning experience. The new SMART Brailler allows users to connect and communicate with others by using a digital screen and audio output to share their braille writing. HEAR THE WORDS. SEE THE LETTERS. CONNECT THE DOTS. The SMART Brailler is the long-awaited evolution of the Perkins Brailler from a low-technology, beloved classic to a high-technology learning and teaching tool. It opens the door to a new, more intuitive way for individuals, both sighted and blind, to communicate, teach and learn braille together. Now teachers in a mainstream classroom can see what their students are brailling. Sighted parents can help their visually impaired children with homework. And students can take the lead in their own braille education. Sighted or blind, we can all share the learning experience! HOW DOES THE SMART BRAILLER DO THIS? - Its video screen and audio feedback shows and speaks letters and words in real-time as they are being brailled in SimBraille or large print, for an instantaneous, multi-sensory learning experience. - The USB port enables a student who is blind to create a hard copy document in braille and save it as a text file, which allows a teacher with sight to upload the document onto a computer and read it in print. - The "Building on Patterns Series," ...

Perkins SMART Brailler with Video Screen Review

GREAT!!!! my grandson is blind and this Brailler is the best for him. He loves the fact that it talks back to him. Maxi Aids is a great company and will help in any possible with any needs.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Perkins SMART Brailler with Video Screen" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Perkins SMART Brailler with Video Screen ...

Buy Perkins SMART Brailler with Video Screen Cheap

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