Saturday, December 22, 2012

L.E.D. Fiberoptic Otoscope - Halogen OPHTHALMOSCOPE Diagnostic Kit in Soft Protective Zippered Leatherette Pouch

L.E.D. Fiberoptic Otoscope - Halogen OPHTHALMOSCOPE Diagnostic Kit in Soft Protective Zippered Leatherette Pouch

Shock Sale L.E.D. Fiberoptic Otoscope - Halogen OPHTHALMOSCOPE Diagnostic Kit in Soft Protective Zippered Leatherette Pouch very cheapYou looking to find the "L.E.D. Fiberoptic Otoscope - Halogen OPHTHALMOSCOPE Diagnostic Kit in Soft Protective Zippered Leatherette Pouch" Good news! You can purchase L.E.D. Fiberoptic Otoscope - Halogen OPHTHALMOSCOPE Diagnostic Kit in Soft Protective Zippered Leatherette Pouch with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

L.E.D. Fiberoptic Otoscope - Halogen OPHTHALMOSCOPE Diagnostic Kit in Soft Protective Zippered Leatherette Pouch On Sale

Price: $199.95 $149.92   Updated Price for L.E.D. Fiberoptic Otoscope - Halogen OPHTHALMOSCOPE Diagnostic Kit in Soft Protective Zippered Leatherette Pouch now
Purchase L.E.D. Fiberoptic Otoscope - Halogen OPHTHALMOSCOPE Diagnostic Kit in Soft Protective Zippered Leatherette Pouch low price

Product Feature

  • Proprietary Full Spectrum White LED Light Similar to Sunshine
  • LIFETIME WARRANTY on the LED Otoscope that even includes the light source.
  • Comes complete with pediatric and adult disposable specula

Product Description

LED PROFESSIONAL Fiberoptic Otoscope/Ophthalmoscope Diagnostic Kit Never contend with a burned-out bulb again, when you use the Dr. Mom Professional LED Fiberoptic Otoscope Why LED? The energy efficiency and durability of this otoscope is simply amazing. The LED light source has no filament to break like a conventional incandescent powered otoscope. The LED bulb is virtually indestructible and is warranted for life to never go out. You will be amazed by the amount of light created by the LED bulb. The light produced by this otoscope is full spectrum white light and not the yellow light typically created by incandescent light bulbs on other otoscopes. With a light emitting diode there is no fragile filament to break so it can withstand repeated dropping or rough handling. The halogen bulbs found on other otoscopes burn very hot and eat battery power, they are also somewhat fragile, and can be broken when the otoscope is dropped or handled in any rough manner. The special halogen bulbs in some premier otoscopes cost thirty dollars each, and aside from failing when dropped, they burn out after a time, just from ordinary usage. "Of forty-two doctors surveyed, each of whom has used our LED Fiberoptic Otoscope over a period of at least three months, all but two have learned to prefer it, even to their wall mount models." It should also be noted that our LED otoscope uses a fiftieth of the power of a halogen otoscope meaning an ordinary set of C cell alkaline batteries will last for many months. Our otoscope can also make use of C cell rechargeables if you prefer. Buy two sets and never be without power to your otoscope. The pro model ophthalmoscope is of excellent quality and gives a very clear picture of the retina. It contains a complete set of lens from -25 to +40 diopters. The lens also contain a polarized filter which reduces corneal reflection. Our Ophthalmoscope uses a halogen light for true tissue color and consistent, long-lasting illumination.

L.E.D. Fiberoptic Otoscope - Halogen OPHTHALMOSCOPE Diagnostic Kit in Soft Protective Zippered Leatherette Pouch Review

Note the ophthalmoscope is halogen, not LED. I was disappointed when I figured this out, the seller's writeup claims this is better for diagnostics, but I suspect it's just cheaper because there are professional LED ophthalmoscopes being marketed by other manufacturers. This fact was buried in the writeup amid all of the bragging about the LED.

I wish it were full LED and ran on AA batteries instead of C (which I cannot recharge.)

Also, the package does not include an insufflator (pneumatic) bulb: that's a necessary piece of equipment I have to now track down separately.

The handle ect seems well made and the carrying case included is nice.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "L.E.D. Fiberoptic Otoscope - Halogen OPHTHALMOSCOPE Diagnostic Kit in Soft Protective Zippered Leatherette Pouch" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from L.E.D. Fiberoptic Otoscope - Halogen OPHTHALMOSCOPE Diagnostic Kit in Soft Protective Zippered Leatherette Pouch ...

Buy L.E.D. Fiberoptic Otoscope - Halogen OPHTHALMOSCOPE Diagnostic Kit in Soft Protective Zippered Leatherette Pouch Cheap

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