Hormone Level Imbalance Testing Kit - Tests for 6 Essential Hormones

Product Feature
- Tests for 6 Essential Hormones: Estradiol (E2), Progesterone (Pg), Testosterone (T), DHEA-S,morning Coritsol (C1) and PM Cortisol.
- Easy and safe to use
- Effective tool to assess main hormone levels in men and women
- Results available in 7 to 10 business days
- No additional fees required!
Product Description
This hormone testing kit offers a convenient method to assess main hormone levels in men and women. It evaluates the six essential hormones in the body, such as Estradiol, Progesterone, Testosterone, DHEA-S, morning Cortisol (C1) and PM Cortisol. It helps identify hormone imbalance even before symptoms appear or track symptoms associated with hormone imbalance.
The test is easy to use and sample collection can be done in your own home. To ensure proper collection and handling of samples, the test kit includes the following:
� Instruction sheet
Vial(s) for collecting saliva
�� Pre-paid shipping label
�� Requisition Form
� � Symptom Checklist on Test Requisition Form
When sample is collected, complete the requisition form and send them to the accredited laboratory using the pre-paid shipping label. The result will be returned to your or the ordering health care provider in 7-10 business days. Result is also available via secure Internet access.� The 6-panel hormone test can help you achieve a balanced wellbeing.
California State
California State health law requires that the testing of any specimen collected or mailed from California be sent with a written order from a health care professional licensed in California to order laboratory tests. This includes the following disciplines: M.D.; D.C.; LAc; R.D.; D.O.; N.P.; and Pharmacists (R.PH). As of September 2002 (Senate Bill 577), such lab tests may be ordered by complementary or alternative health care practitioners "not providing services that require medical training."
New York State
New York State health law prohibits the testing of specimens collected in or mailed from New York, and prohibits the transmission of data from ZRT Laboratory to NY physicians or residents. Therefore, direct receipt of lab results for NY residents is not possible.
Hormone Level Imbalance Testing Kit - Tests for 6 Essential Hormones Review
Very quick in ordering kit and also getting test results back. It is a very easy kit to use and have recommended it to other friends.Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Hormone Level Imbalance Testing Kit - Tests for 6 Essential Hormones" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Hormone Level Imbalance Testing Kit - Tests for 6 Essential Hormones ...

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