Mobile Medic Pain Relief for Migraine, Headache, and Neck Pain

Product Feature
- Fast Relief for headaches, migraines and neck pain
- Promotes deep calm relaxation to aid restfulness and sleep
- Relieves dizziness, optical discomfort and pressure
- Portable and battery powered- Available any time, anywhere
- 90 day unconditional guarantee
Product Description
The FDA listed Mobile Medic therapeutic massager is so portable that it can travel anywhere providing relief from pain of migraine, headache, whiplash, and neck pain and tension. MIGRAINES can be caused by an abrupt triggering of a hidden stresor, which triggers cellular trauma, a reaction of acute brain inflammation and tension. This inflammatory tension creates pressure and pain, optical discomfort, dizziness, and other symptoms. By infusing the head and neck with ultra calming and soothing unpredictable vibrations, the Mobile Medic provides maximum relief with gentle calming of tissue, deep relaxation, and fast pain relief - anyplace and anytime you need it. Carry it in car, purse or pocket. Apply it to top of head or back of the neck at the beginning of symptoms, or any time pain relief is needed. Many report that they relax deeply or fall asleep within minutes and wake up 20 or 30 minutes later pain free. (results may vary) HEADACHES can be caused by stress, sleep deprivation, uncomfortable body positions, Eyestrain, and muscle tension in the head, neck and shoulders. The Mobile Medic provides fast relief by relieving stress, eyestrain, and muscle tension, and bringing the brain and nervous system to a calm state of mental clarity and relaxation. The result is fast pain relief, deep relaxation, and sound sleep. NECK PAIN/ WHIPLASH is often caused by traumatic injury to the neck or traumatic emotional events. The traumatized tissues start producing inflammatory chemicals which often create pain, muscle rigidity, and spinal compression. The Mobile Medic dissolves this cellular trauma fast by relaxing the tissue, reducing inflammation, and thus relieving pain and increasing mobility. Fast Effective Pain Relief, Deep Relaxation, and Restful Sleep, or your money back for 90 days.Mobile Medic Pain Relief for Migraine, Headache, and Neck Pain Review
I was referred a young musician that had traveled widely throughout the world and had seen eight different neurologists from four different countries, along with many chiropractors (throughout the world) and acupuncturists and therapists of all kinds. For a lancinating and intractable pain that she had had for over eight years; that began in her mouth, in the upper jaw, which would spread to the neck and develop into a debilitating migraine that would leave her totally non-functional. To the point that she would have to stop whatever she was doing and go hide on a bed in a pitch black room. It could happen at any time and often did. In fact, it was a debilitating pain that never went away. It would make her exhausted just from the pain alone. Often she could not eat for days at a time until the pain went down enough to where she could tolerate food through her mouth. Not to mention that it would make her music practice sessions nightmarish as the activity of playing music would be another trigger for a major episode. Often during actual concerts it would happen and she could only get through it on the force of will alone; but often not, and she would have to quit early. On a scale of 0 to 10, she lived in no less than an 8 and considered that to be a good point! Pains were regularly at 9, and very often go to a debilitation non-functioning life at 10! No one could find what was the matter with her and why she had this problem--all that was certain was that she did not have a brain tumor or circulatory problem to her brain; and no medication could control the painful episodes, nor predictably bring the pain down. On a few previous occasions, she had allowed herself to be injected, because the pain was so severe, but this, needless to say only made it worse and she was never going to allow it again. On rare occasions she would get some relief from strong medications at the expense of her consciousness which she needed in order to be able to play her music and live her life meaningfully. Her face, neck or head could not even be touched because it was so sensitive, and many times touching the face would bring on a wave and episode of the combination of trigeminal neuralgia, neck pain and migraine headaches! Luckily, with the infratonic technology the person does not need to be touched or contacted directly, as the healing sound waves travel through the air and the revolutionary treatment can be applied through the air at a distance, which is how the healing and soothing sound waves normally work. The first application with the infratonic, within 20 minutes, gave her the best relief she had ever had since developing the condition. It became the back-bone of her treatment. And progressively in time with consistent and measured treatments (no less than 3 times a week) began to restore her life to normal again. After nine months the neck pain never really came back. She would have two to three headaches a month, never migrainous anymore and never lasting more than several minutes as opposed to intractable and insufferable as they had once been. Best of all she was able to practice her music and pursue her career as she had never before been able to do while having a restoration of normalcy to her life!Bert Rodriguez-Munnet, Chiropractic Physician
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