Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Medline Skintegrity Hydrogel Tube 4 OZ (12 Each)

Medline Skintegrity Hydrogel Tube 4 OZ (12 Each)

Shock Sale Medline Skintegrity Hydrogel Tube 4 OZ (12 Each) very cheapYou looking to find the "Medline Skintegrity Hydrogel Tube 4 OZ (12 Each)" Good news! You can purchase Medline Skintegrity Hydrogel Tube 4 OZ (12 Each) with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Medline Skintegrity Hydrogel Tube 4 OZ (12 Each) On Sale

Price: $129.99    Updated Price for Medline Skintegrity Hydrogel Tube 4 OZ (12 Each) now
Purchase Medline Skintegrity Hydrogel Tube 4 OZ (12 Each) low price

Product Feature

  • This Listing Is For Skintegrity Hydrogel Tube 4 OZ
  • Packaging: 12 Each , Size: 4 OZ
  • Helps create a moist wound environment
  • Contraindications: patients with a known sensitivity to components of the gel and heavily draining wounds

Product Description

Ideal for dry-to-moist clean wounds. Helps create a moist wound environment Balanced formulation Easy irrigation Indications: pressure ulcers, partial and full-thickness wounds, leg ulcers, surgical wounds, lacerations, abrasions and skin tears, and first- and second-degree burns. Contraindications: patients with a known sensitivity to components of the gel and heavily draining wounds. May be left in place for up to 3 days; Dressing change frequency will depend on amount of drainage

Medline Skintegrity Hydrogel Tube 4 OZ (12 Each) Review

This product is absolutely amazing, but is next to impossible for me to find locally!! The first time I heard about this product was after I had surgery for a pressure sore that had refused to heal. I had been in the hospital for corrective surgery, due to the first surgery failing and had gotten Anaerobic Strep B, a form of flesh eating bacteria, from the hospital. They had to take the stitches out of the incision in order to kill the bacteria which was eating it's way from the inside out. During that process my medical insurance decided they didn't want to pay to keep me in the hosptial until the wound was ready to be closed and didn't want to pay to have me in a rehabilitation center so sent me home to be cared for by a home care nurse. Once the infection was gone and granulation tissue started to appear I was sent back to the hosptial where I endured 2 more surgeries to close the wound that had been created. One to close the incision the second to go in and retrieve a drainage tube tip that had broken off inside the wound when the doctor attempted to remove it and once again close the wound to allow it to heal. When everything had finally gotten to where I could go home again. The insurance paid to have the home nurse come back out and change the dressing on my now closed wound. After the stitches had been removed the very top portion of the incision were refusing to knit back together and it seemed no matter what they did it was taking forever to knit. That's when the nurse told us about this amazing product. She gave us 2 of the very small accordion style tubes (the 1 oz. squeeze tubes) to use on the wound, and told us to apply a small amount of the Gel to the incision twice daily and keep it covered with 4 x 4s and tape. By the end of the first week most of the incision had started to heal over. By the end of the first most of the incision had gone from not knitting being almost completely knitted together. By the middle of the second week most of the incision had healed/knitted together completely except for one small area that took a couple days more to heal. It truly is a product that is more than worth it's weight in Gold for those who need a product to have on hand for wounds/problems that require a little something more than Neosporin Antibacterial Ointment to help our wounds/injuries heal. Hydro-gel's ability to heal any wounds without having to use a ton of it is absolutely amazing!! It is, in my opinion, THE BEST product I have been able to find ANYWHERE for addressing the issue of wounds/incisions/cuts/scraps that are are either slow to heal or not wanting to heal completely!!!

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Medline Skintegrity Hydrogel Tube 4 OZ (12 Each)" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Medline Skintegrity Hydrogel Tube 4 OZ (12 Each) ...

Buy Medline Skintegrity Hydrogel Tube 4 OZ (12 Each) Cheap

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