Saturday, August 3, 2013

PVI ELEV8 Adjustable Leg Aluminum Threshold Ramp, 600lb Capacity

PVI ELEV8 Adjustable Leg Aluminum Threshold Ramp, 600lb Capacity

Shock Sale PVI ELEV8 Adjustable Leg Aluminum Threshold Ramp, 600lb Capacity very cheapYou looking to find the "PVI ELEV8 Adjustable Leg Aluminum Threshold Ramp, 600lb Capacity" Good news! You can purchase PVI ELEV8 Adjustable Leg Aluminum Threshold Ramp, 600lb Capacity with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

PVI ELEV8 Adjustable Leg Aluminum Threshold Ramp, 600lb Capacity On Sale

Price: $194.00    Updated Price for PVI ELEV8 Adjustable Leg Aluminum Threshold Ramp, 600lb Capacity now
Purchase PVI ELEV8 Adjustable Leg Aluminum Threshold Ramp, 600lb Capacity low price

Product Feature

  • Ramp is designed for doorways that swing in or out
  • The front adjustable legs/shoes allow for a range of threshold heights between 0-2"
  • Standard on the ramp is a slip resistant grooved surface preventing wheelchairs, walkers, etc from slipping off.
  • Accommodates wheelchairs and scooters with various wheel configurations; maximum width is 36"
  • Designed for a 2 - 3.5" threshold rise

Product Description

The ELEV8 adjustable leg threshold ramp from PVI is designed for single step rises with adjustable legs, each with a maximum 2" inch height range. It's free standing adjustable leg design is especially helpful for locations where the surface is uneven (e.g. decks, turf, grass, dirt). Capacity of the stand alone threshold ramp is 600 lbs and weighs 6-28 lbs depending on the size of the ramp. Its exclusive non slip button or expanded metal surface and adaptable design for single steps or doorways make this ramp excellent for a variety of situations. Safety side curbs are cut level to the top of the threshold allowing your door to open over the ramp.

PVI ELEV8 Adjustable Leg Aluminum Threshold Ramp, 600lb Capacity Review

I bought this threshold ramp so I could move it to different doors in my house as necessary, because I doors which have different threshold heights. It is lightweight (12 pounds) and very easy to move. It does not move when I ride my mobility scooter over it even though I do not have it bolted down anywhere. It has ridges across it for a nonslip surface for folks who are walking on it. I do like it quite a bit and it was a bargain when I purchased it. The seller, Handi-Treads, also shipped it very quickly. The only reason I did not give it 5 stars is because I just noticed it currently costs over a hundred bucks more now to buy the same product from the same company than when I bought it in early July, 2013 on Amazon. But, if you can find it at a reasonable price, then I would highly recommend it.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "PVI ELEV8 Adjustable Leg Aluminum Threshold Ramp, 600lb Capacity" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from PVI ELEV8 Adjustable Leg Aluminum Threshold Ramp, 600lb Capacity ...

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