Sunday, April 28, 2013

Adscope 601 Convertible Cardiology Stethoscope, Tactical Black

Adscope 601 Convertible Cardiology Stethoscope, Tactical Black

Shock Sale Adscope 601 Convertible Cardiology Stethoscope, Tactical Black very cheapYou looking to find the "Adscope 601 Convertible Cardiology Stethoscope, Tactical Black" Good news! You can purchase Adscope 601 Convertible Cardiology Stethoscope, Tactical Black with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

Adscope 601 Convertible Cardiology Stethoscope, Tactical Black On Sale

Price: $114.99    Updated Price for Adscope 601 Convertible Cardiology Stethoscope, Tactical Black now
Purchase Adscope 601 Convertible Cardiology Stethoscope, Tactical Black low price

Product Feature

  • Combines the acoustic response of a traditional bell and diaphragm into a convenient one-sided chestpiece
  • Non-chill diaphragm retaining rim for patient comfort
  • Large internal bore stainless steel binaurals
  • Chestpiece precisely machined to exacting tolerances
  • Lifetime Warranty on metal parts

Product Description

A convertible stethoscope that combines the versatility of our Sprague with the acoustic excellence of our 602. The 601 features a threaded chestpiece drum allows rapid conversion from a pediatric diaphragm to an adult bell. Chestpiece precisely machined to exacting tolerances from surgical stainless steel for outstanding performance and rugged durability. Extra deep bell for unsurpassed low frequency response. Ultra-sensitive diaphragms for greater amplification and crisper high frequency transmission. Non-chill bell and diaphragm retaining rims for patient comfort. Large internal bore stainless steel binaurals are fixed at a 15? angle for greater comfort. Custom molded bi-lumen 19" PVC tubing stays soft and flexible. Extra-thick tubing walls minimize extraneous noise. Double leaf internal spring construction reduces bulk and prevents kinking when folded. Complete with one pair of PVC eartips and Adsoft deluxe PVC eartips in small and large sizes for the ultimate in wearing comfort and acoustic seal. Complete with an accessory case containing the adult bell with 2 spare diaphragms and two sets of eartips. Latex-free. Scope ID Tag included. Weighs 9 oz. (adult bell) and 10 oz. (pediatric diaphragm). Overall length 28". Limited Lifetime Warranty on metal parts.

Adscope 601 Convertible Cardiology Stethoscope, Tactical Black Review

I used to own a Littmann classic stethoscope and seemed to have lost it at some random hotel I was travelling through. Anyway, losing it prompted me to look for another stethoscope and I figured I would explore another brand this time.

PERFORMANCE: When stethoscope companies label a stethoscope as a "cardiology" stethoscope it typically is because of the thicker tubing, presumably causing more sound insulation so that you can hear "heart sounds" better. This model offered acceptable sound insulation although I cannot say without a doubt that it offers better acoustics than other models.

PRICE: Cardiology stethoscopes from Littmann cost at minimum 120$ so this model can be purchased at almost half the price. A really big plus.

AESTHETICS: The massive tubing gives the stethoscope a high quality feel but the ear buds are made of PVC just like the tubing which makes them uncomfortable for the ears. To my knowledge Littmann just uses "regular" rubber for their ear buds.

OVERALL: Virtually identical performance for nearly half the price, I recommend this model with the exception of the uncomfortable ear buds.

P.S. I am a first year resident in Internal Medicine if you were wondering what I am using this for.

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Buy Adscope 601 Convertible Cardiology Stethoscope, Tactical Black Cheap

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