Thursday, March 21, 2013



Shock Sale i-vu very cheapYou looking to find the "i-vu" Good news! You can purchase i-vu with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

i-vu On Sale

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Purchase i-vu low price

Product Feature

  • Built in camera
  • 2" high contrast LCD
  • 3 hour rechargeable battery
  • Pocket size
  • 4 ounces

Product Description

The i-vu is a simple to use digital magnifier for reading menus,books, bills, prescriptions, price tags, as well as look at some hobby crafts. Trouble seeing a price tag or receipt? Take the i-vu with you to the store or restaurant and know the price before you get to the register. Keep the i-vu next to your medicine cabinet for the added security that you choose the right prescription. The i-vu will give you instant magnification anytime and anywhere!

i-vu Review

My major gripe with the magnifier is the so-called instructions. A single piece of paper printed on one side that only shows a picture of the machine and identifies the control buttons, but almost nothing about the actual use of the buttons. For instance one of the keys brings up a menu that has two items on it; one of them is "Brightness." When you push the thing to activate that control, all that happens is the word "Brightness" appears on the screen with sort of a sunburst beneath it. Any manipulation of that button by itself or in combinatiion with other buttons does nothing to alter the brightness.

The instruictions do say to charge the batteries before using the unit. Inserting the rechargable batteries is straightforward enough, but when the charger is plugged in the lights blink now and then, but there is no indication what that means, or any way to know when the batteries are indeed chanrged. I am putting it in a fire-proof container and leaving it hooked to the charger overnight to see what happens. If it doesn't burn up, I'm betting that the lights will still be blinking now and then. If so, I shall presume that it is charged. However, wouldn't it be nice to know?

The center button will freeze an image on the screen. I tried it with numbers in the phone book. At minimum (5X) magnification I could get a complete phone number displayed DIAGONALLY across the little screen. By freezing it I suppose it could be useful to have when actually dialing the number.

Had the instructions contained even a slight amount of useful information, and had the product been delivered on time, I probably would have rated it with 4 stars.

I think the manufacturer and retailer of the I-VU should be very ashamed of the so-called instructions for this machine.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "i-vu" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from i-vu ...

Buy i-vu Cheap

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