Friday, November 16, 2012

TDP Lamp cq-36, Digital Controls, UL Certified Professional Grade TDP Lamps for Infrared Lamp Therapy, (2 - 25 microns, Near, Mid and Far range).

TDP Lamp cq-36, Digital Controls, UL Certified Professional Grade TDP Lamps for Infrared Lamp Therapy, (2 - 25 microns, Near, Mid and Far range).

Shock Sale TDP Lamp cq-36, Digital Controls, UL Certified Professional Grade TDP Lamps for Infrared Lamp Therapy, (2 - 25 microns, Near, Mid and Far range). very cheapYou looking to find the "TDP Lamp cq-36, Digital Controls, UL Certified Professional Grade TDP Lamps for Infrared Lamp Therapy, (2 - 25 microns, Near, Mid and Far range)." Good news! You can purchase TDP Lamp cq-36, Digital Controls, UL Certified Professional Grade TDP Lamps for Infrared Lamp Therapy, (2 - 25 microns, Near, Mid and Far range). with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

TDP Lamp cq-36, Digital Controls, UL Certified Professional Grade TDP Lamps for Infrared Lamp Therapy, (2 - 25 microns, Near, Mid and Far range). On Sale

Price: $249.00 $199.00   Updated Price for TDP Lamp cq-36, Digital Controls, UL Certified Professional Grade TDP Lamps for Infrared Lamp Therapy, (2 - 25 microns, Near, Mid and Far range). now
Purchase TDP Lamp cq-36, Digital Controls, UL Certified Professional Grade TDP Lamps for Infrared Lamp Therapy, (2 - 25 microns, Near, Mid and Far range). low price

Product Feature

  • Meets CSA 22.2 No 601.1 and UL 60601 Standard, FDA approved
  • Large 6.5" Head
  • Digital Controls
  • Far Infrared Emission 2-25 Microns. Output 250 Watts @ 60Hz
  • Emission Plate is 6.5". Good for 1,200 - 1,500 Usage Hours.

Product Description

The TDP CQOMS-360 heat lamp is unlike any other heat lamp. While most lamps use a common infrared bulb, the specially engineered TDP CQOMS-36 features a "black body" emission heating plate which is coated with a proprietary mineral formulation consisting of 33 elements. When activated by a built-in electric heating element, this mineral plate emits a special band of far infrared electromagnetic energy which penetrates deep into the human body. The human body (cells) has a higher absorption efficiency for far infrared energy than near infrared. The emission head can be positioned as low as 12" (for treating feet) to 60". Depending on the treated condition, repeated treatments of 20 to 40 minutes are recommended. Easy assembly. UL approved.

TDP Lamp cq-36, Digital Controls, UL Certified Professional Grade TDP Lamps for Infrared Lamp Therapy, (2 - 25 microns, Near, Mid and Far range). Review

Disappointed in the Base being plastic. The fixture does get tipsy in certain settings. Do not see any difference in the non comercial grade compared to this commercail item. We have both models.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "TDP Lamp cq-36, Digital Controls, UL Certified Professional Grade TDP Lamps for Infrared Lamp Therapy, (2 - 25 microns, Near, Mid and Far range)." are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from TDP Lamp cq-36, Digital Controls, UL Certified Professional Grade TDP Lamps for Infrared Lamp Therapy, (2 - 25 microns, Near, Mid and Far range). ...

Buy TDP Lamp cq-36, Digital Controls, UL Certified Professional Grade TDP Lamps for Infrared Lamp Therapy, (2 - 25 microns, Near, Mid and Far range). Cheap

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