Monday, August 20, 2012

WSP 32mm Extra Dense Premium Silvertip Badger Knot

WSP 32mm Extra Dense Premium Silvertip Badger Knot

Shock Sale WSP 32mm Extra Dense Premium Silvertip Badger Knot very cheapYou looking to find the "WSP 32mm Extra Dense Premium Silvertip Badger Knot" Good news! You can purchase WSP 32mm Extra Dense Premium Silvertip Badger Knot with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

WSP 32mm Extra Dense Premium Silvertip Badger Knot On Sale

Price: $149.95    Updated Price for WSP 32mm Extra Dense Premium Silvertip Badger Knot now
Purchase WSP 32mm Extra Dense Premium Silvertip Badger Knot low price

Product Feature

  • 32 mm Diameter
  • 69 mm Height
  • Extra Density Knot contains 40% more hair
  • Premium Silvertip Badger Hair
  • Chubby Density

Product Description

This 32 mm knot will fit in handles with a 32 mm hole. Plug size is 30 mm.

WSP 32mm Extra Dense Premium Silvertip Badger Knot Review

This is *just* the badger hair knot. You'll need a handle if you plan to shave with it. I made my own handle before I even ordered this knot.

This is a huge knot. It's bigger than you think, even once you've read this :) I doubt your stand is big enough to hold a brush made with this knot.

I've never seen a Simpson Chubby 3, but I can't believe it's any bigger than this. If the Chubby is bigger, I don't think I want to be in the same room with one.

As to quality, I'm only one shave into this brush, so I can't tell you much yet, but once I rinsed it thoroughly it was nice and soft considering it isn't yet broken in. It really is quite dense as you might hope from the description. It's also surprisingly heavy when full of water and shaving foam.

It lost more hairs than I expected, but considering how dense it is, I'm not concerned. If it keeps shedding at this rate I might have to modify this review in a couple of months when I can tell it isn't as dense as it was when I bought it. :)

It comes with a box that will fit a handle too, so if you are making a brush for a gift you won't have to go look for packaging. Also, while it say this is a 32mm knot, it fit perfectly in my handle with a 30mm recess.

That said, is this really worth the price? I don't know, hence 4 stars. I'm planning to buy a similar size knot from a competitor so I can compare them. That knot is priced quite a bit lower than this one, so it might not be as nice. I'll try to update this review with my impressions of that knot.

More information:

The loss of hair has stopped, as I expected. I needed to tweak my brush technique a bit with this huge knot, but it hasn't been difficult. I love the way it feels when I'm lathering up my face.

I now have the competition's 30mm knot, which is almost the same size as this one. The difference is quite small, and in fact way less than the 2mm difference in description suggests.

The WSP knot is a little better made, and a bit softer. It's a little more densely packed than the competition. It's also way more expensive. I can't deny it's a better product, but I wouldn't pay this price again for the difference in quality. I just can't go to a 5 star review at this price, but it isn't anything wrong with the knot itself.

One final and alarming note: WSP has an even higher priced knot this size available from their own website. I do not expect to be reviewing that product :)

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "WSP 32mm Extra Dense Premium Silvertip Badger Knot" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from WSP 32mm Extra Dense Premium Silvertip Badger Knot ...

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