Friday, November 15, 2013

VIP Shaving Package

VIP Shaving Package

Shock Sale VIP Shaving Package very cheapYou looking to find the "VIP Shaving Package" Good news! You can purchase VIP Shaving Package with secure price and compare to view update price on this product. And deals on this product is available only for limited time.

VIP Shaving Package On Sale

Price: $110.00    Updated Price for VIP Shaving Package now
Purchase VIP Shaving Package low price

Product Feature

  • Pubic shavers are razors meant for your intimate places
  • So delicate to your skin that you can use them every single day with no red marks, no irritation, and no shaving bumps
  • Dry pubic shavers and require baby powder to get the smoothest results possible
  • Body Bare comes with a 2 year Manufactures Warranty

Product Description

Body Bare Shaver: 4" high, 1½" diameter - includes travel case, cleaning brush, and instruction manual. The Feminine: 6½" high, � " diameter - includes travel case, cleaning brush, and instruction manual. Ladyfair Intimate Trimmer: 4 �" high, 1 " wide, � deep - includes cleaning brush, instructions on the box. Heart Stencils: In the shape of an Heart; 4 Individual stencils. Replacement blade set: Blade and foil incase of accidental damage. Shaving and Maintenance Kit: Shaver oil for your shaver; Powder for shaving; Application brush for powder. WOW.... what a deal! This package has everything you will need for shaving your most intimate areas. You'll love the way you look and feel and so will your partner! More About Our Shavers: They are dry pubic shavers and require baby powder to get the smoothest results possible. They were created to be so delicate to your skin that you can use them every single day with no red marks, no irritation, and no shaving bumps. They are great for anyone who has troubles with normal razors or the active person who doesn't like to wait a day or two between shavings. They all come with their own brushes, care instructions and the Body bare comes with a 2 year Manufactures Warranty.

VIP Shaving Package Review

Not what it was advertised to be. Too much money for a low quality product. I would not recommend it to anyone.

Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "VIP Shaving Package" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from VIP Shaving Package ...

Buy VIP Shaving Package Cheap

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