Sunday, May 26, 2013

Now Foods Rhodiola Rhodiola rosea, 60 caps / 500mg ( Multi-Pack)

Now Foods Rhodiola Rhodiola rosea, 60 caps / 500mg ( Multi-Pack)

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Now Foods Rhodiola Rhodiola rosea, 60 caps / 500mg ( Multi-Pack) On Sale

Price: $103.97    Updated Price for Now Foods Rhodiola Rhodiola rosea, 60 caps / 500mg ( Multi-Pack) now
Purchase Now Foods Rhodiola Rhodiola rosea, 60 caps / 500mg ( Multi-Pack) low price

Product Feature

  • MULTI VALUE 12-PACK! You are buying TWELVE of Now Foods Rhodiola Rhodiola rosea, 60 caps / 500mg
  • Rhodiola is generally known as an "adaptogen", a term which refers to any agent possessing the ability to increase the body's capacity to adapt to stressful conditions.* This standardized extract of min. 3% Total Rosavins and min. 1% Salidrosides is the highest potency of Rhodiola available.
  • SAVE MONEY on SHIPPING. If this item requires payment for shipping, the shipping weight for this twelve value pack may be reduced to reflect savings that we can pass on to you. (This saving may not offered in the other multi-packs of this item smaller than the six pack). It costs us less to ship a full case of 12 than twelve singles - so you can save more.
  • Now Foods Rhodiola Rhodiola rosea, 60 caps / 500mg

Product Description

12-unit VALUE PACK of Now Foods Rhodiola Rhodiola rosea, 60 caps / 500mg -

Now Foods Rhodiola Rhodiola rosea, 60 caps / 500mg ( Multi-Pack) Review

My wife was diagnosed with PTSD. She had been on Celexa for well over a year, and she hated the fact that it seemed to be doing almost nothing for her. She was tired all the time and still depressed. I heard about Rhodiola on Dr. Oz. I wasn't even watching the show and was just walking by a TV, but heard it was good for anxiety and low energy, so I started researching it. After all the reading I did on it and the positive comments about it, my wife and I both decided to try it. She weaned herself off the Celexa first, as there are potential interactions, from the reading I did.

Boy, am I glad I took the time to research this! I am not a doctor, and do not claim to be one, but I can tell you this......I could see the difference in my wife IN A DAY! She has never had this much energy (not a buzz or stimulating effect like caffeine or amphetamine salts, but regular energy) and I haven't seen her face look so relaxed in years. We both take it and have noticed another pleasant bonus. Due to the extra energy perhaps, or maybe it helps regulate appetite or something, but we both don't eat as much as we used to now, and we are both losing weight.

I cannot believe the change in her, and to us it has been a blessing. I highly recommend this product (I like the Now brand, as I have used other supplements from them for my gout) to anyone suffering from anxiety who hasn't found relief from "modern" medicine. I am not a big fan of the big drug companies to begin with, and although they have done some good, they have become juggernauts where "just one more pill" is the solution to every problem created by the previous pill. We have experienced no side effects from this herb, and I only take one pill a day, while my wife takes one in the morning and one at noon, which is no more than the recommended dosage. Because we have so much natural energy without any crash later, we think it might be difficult to sleep later, so we are sure not to take any more than that.

My wife has been taking it for about a month and still going strong. I still can't believe the change in her, so to us it's practically a miracle! If you have anxiety and you're reading this, it might make all the difference in your life. I naturally can't guarantee the same results for everyone, but it was definitely a life preserver for her in a sea of desperation. Be sure to do your homework on it first!

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Buy Now Foods Rhodiola Rhodiola rosea, 60 caps / 500mg ( Multi-Pack) Cheap

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